

SMIF has implemented all reasonable measures to ensure that the facility provides a safe working environment. It is the responsibility of all users and staff to act in a professional, courteous, and safe manner at all times while in the facility.

SMIF Safety Classes

Full instructions for access and training can be found here.

SMIF General Lab Safety and Procedures Class

· All users must complete the on-line SMIF General Lab Safety and Procedures class and score 100% on the associated test before access to the SMIF facilities is granted. The on-line class can be found here.

SMIF Cleanroom Safety and Procedures Class

· Cleanroom users must also complete the Cleanroom Safety and Procedures class offered via Zoom before access to the clean room is granted. The class schedule and sign up can be found here.  

Note: You must complete the SMIF General Lab Safety and Procedures Class before taking the Cleanroom Safety and Procedures class.

SMIF Chemical Safety Class

· Chemical hood users must also complete the on-line SMIF Chemical Safety and Procedures class and score 100% on the associated test before access to the SMIF facilities is granted. The on-line class can be found here

Note: You must complete the SMIF General Lab Safety and Procedures Class before taking the Chemical Safety and Procedures class.

Consequences of Violating SMIF Rules and Policies

The consequences for violating SMIF safety rules and operating policies are outlined below:
  • If a user is found to violate SMIF rules or policies:
    • They will be sent one warning e-mail (with their advisor copied) and will be put on “probation” for a period of 3 months
    • During the probation period, the user will only be allowed to use SMIF during normal working hours, Mon-Fri 8am-5pm.
  • If SMIF rules are violated a second time while on probation:
    • Their SMIF access will be removed for 1 month
    • Probation period extends to 1 year
    • The e-mail notification of the violation to the user and advisor will be followed up with a written letter that requires a signed acknowledgement
  • If SMIF rules are violated a third time while on probation:
    • The user and their advisor will attend a hearing with the SMIF Advisory Committee and the length of expulsion from SMIF will be determined by the committee (minimum of 6 months)
    • The meeting will be followed up with a written letter that requires a signed acknowledgement

Note: Activity within the SMIF facility is monitored for safety and security reasons using video cameras placed around the labs.