SMIF Chemicals


SMIF Supplied Chemicals

SMIF supplies most of the “standard” chemicals that are used in the facility. These chemicals are available to all certified users, and their use in covered in the usage fees. We ask that you do not bring in your own bottles of these chemicals.

Other Approved Chemicals

Chemicals in this list have been authorized for usage within SMIF, but are not supplied by the SMIF facility. Authorization is not needed to bring these chemicals into the facility, but we ask that you contact SMIF before using them to ensure available storage and verify proper use and disposal.

Any chemical that is not on the approved chemical list must first be authorized by SMIF before it can be brought into the facility. To bring a new chemical into the facility you must:

  • Contact SMIF, and obtain approval by filling out and submitting the "New Chemical Request Form" before bringing the chemical into SMIF
  • Supply SMIF with an MSDS / SDS for the chemical from the manufacturer

Following approval:

  • Ensure that the chemical is labeled properly:
    • Name of chemical as it appears on MSDS / SDS
    • Physical and health hazards of the chemical
    • Your name and date
  • Refer to the SOP and/or contact SMIF to verify proper storage, use, and disposal of the chemical
SMIF Supplied Chemicals
ItemDescriptionCAS NumberLocationParticularly Hazardous?SOP
1165 Resist Remover (NMP)Microposit Remover 1165 Resist Remover (NMP)           
To be used in solvent hoods!!!
 Solvent Cabinet YesSOP
Acetic AcidGlacial Acetic Acid           
 Liquid, 500mL
 64-19-7Solvent Cabinet SOP
Liquid, 4L bottle
 67-64-1Solvent Cabinets, squirt bottles SOP
Ammonium HydroxideAmmonium Hydroxide (NH4OH)           
Liquid, 4L bottle
 1336-21-6Oxidizer Cabinet SOP
Araldite GY 502Araldite GY 502 Acid Cabinet, Prep Lab SOP
(BDMA) N-Benzyldimethylamine(BDMA) N-Benzyldimethylamine103-83-3Acid Cabinet, Prep Lab SOP
BIANormalizing Solution

Glycerol Solution (70%)

Liquid, 90mL bottle

56-81-5Refrigerator, Optical Lab SOP
BOEBuffered Oxide Etch 10:1           
Liquid, 4L bottle
 Acid Cabinet YesSOP
DDSADodecenyl Succinic Anhydride           
Liquid, 450mL
 Acid Cabinet, Prep Lab SOP
D.E.R. 736 EPOXY RESIND.E.R. 736 EPOXY RESIN Acid Cabinet, Prep Lab SOP
DMAE DimethylaminoethanolDMAE Dimethylaminoethanol108-01-0Acid Cabinet, Prep Lab SOP
DMP-30Ancamine K54 Curing Agent           
Liquid, 50mL
 Acid Cabinet, Prep Lab SOP

1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide hydrochloride (7%)

Liquid, 100 - 100uL Vials

25952-53-8Freezer, Optical LabYes - Acutely ToxicSOP

Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (350mM)

Liquid, 100mL bottle

60-00-4Refrigerator, Optical Lab SOP
Embed 812Embed 812 Epon resin            
Liquid, 450mL
 25068-38-6Acid Cabinet, Prep Lab SOP
ERL 4221ERL 4221 Acid Cabinet, Prep Lab SOP

Denatured Ethanol           

Liquid, 1pt

 64-17-5Solvent Cabinet, Prep Lab SOP

2-hydroxyethylammonium chloride (10%)

Liquid, 10mL bottle

2002-24-6Refrigerator, Optical Lab SOP
Formaldehyde (20% aqueous)20% Paraformaldehyde (formaldehyde) solution           
Liquid, 10 - 10mL Vials
 30525-89-4Refrigerator, Chase YesSOP
Glutaraldehyde (25% aqueous)Glutaraldehyde (25% aqueous)           
Liquid, 10 - 10mL Vials
 111-30-8Refrigerator, Chase YesSOP
Gold Etchant GE-8110Gold Etchant GE-8110           
Appearance and odor: dark brown liquid with iodine vapor odor.           
 Etch Rate ( 30 °C):  20Å/sec
 Acid cabinet SOP
Glycine Buffer

Glycine-HCl Buffer (10mM)

Liquid, 3 - 100mL bottles

56-40-6Refrigerator, Optical Lab SOP
HBS, 10x

HEPES Buffered Saline, 10x

Liquid, 4 - 50mL bottles

7365-45-9Refrigerator, Optical Lab SOP
Hydrochloric AcidHydrochloric Acid (HCl)           
Liquid, 4L bottle
7647-01-0Acid Cabinet SOP
Hydrofluoric AcidHydrofluoric Acid (HF)           
Liquid, 4L bottle
 7664-39-3Acid Cabinet Yes - Acutely ToxicSOP
Hydrogen PeroxideHydrogen Peroxide (H2O2)           
Liquid, 4L vented bottle
 7722-84-1Oxidizer Cabinet Yes - Acutely ToxicSOP
Isopropyl AlcoholIsopropyl Alcohol (IPA / 2-Propanol)           
Liquid, 4L bottle
 67-63-0Solvent Cabinet SOP
Lead CitrateLead Citrate, Trihydrate           
Small crystals, 100g
 512-26-5N2 Box, Prep Lab YesSOP
MethanolMethyl Alcohol           
Liquid, 4L bottle
 67-56-1Solvent Cabinet SOP
MF-319 DeveloperMicroposit MF-319 Photoresist Developer           
Liquid, 1 gallon bottle
 Developer Cabinet, Photo Bay SOP
MIBKMethyl Isobutyl Ketone            
 108-10-1Solvent Cabinet SOP
NanostripNanostrip7664-93-9Acid Cabinet SOP
NFR016D2NFR016D2 negative resist Resist Cabinet, Photo Bay SOP

N-hydroxysuccinimide (1%)

Liquid, 100 - 100uL Vials

6066-82-6Freezer, Optical LabYes - Acutely ToxicSOP
Nickel(II) Solution

Nickel(II) chloride (NiCl2) (0.5mM)

Liquid, 50mL bottle

7791-20-0Refrigerator, Optical Lab SOP
Nitric AcidNitric Acid (HNO3)           
Liquid, 4L glass bottle
 7697-37-2Acid Cabinet YesSOP
NMAMethyl-5-Norbornene-2,3-Dicarboxylic Anhydride           
Liquid, 450mL
 Acid Cabinet, Prep Lab SOP
NSA (Nonenyl Succinic Anhydride Modified)NSA (Nonenyl Succinic Anhydride Modified) Acid Cabinet, Prep Lab SOP
OsO4 (4% )Osmium Tetroxide (4%)           
Liquid, 10 - 10mL Vials
 20816-12-0Refrigerator, Chase Yes - Acutely ToxicSOP
o-Xyleneo-Xylene 95-47-6Solvent Cabinet SOP
P20 Adhesion PromoterMicroprime Primer P20 Adhesion Promoter           
Liquid, 4L bottle
 Resist Cabinet, Photo Bay SOP
PBS, 10xPhosphate Buffered Saline, 10x           
Liquid, 1L
 Refrigerator, Chase Not Hazardous None
PMMA (495)PMMA (495) - polymethyl methacrylate           
Liquid, for e-beam lithography
 9011-14-7Resist Cabinet, Photo Bay SOP
PMMA (950)PMMA (950) - polymethyl methacrylate           
Liquid, for e-beam lithography
 9011-14-7Resist Cabinet, Photo Bay SOP
Positive Resist S-1813Shipley Microposit S-1813 Positive Photoresist           
Liquid, 1 qt. bottle
 Resist Cabinet, Photo Bay SOP
Potassium HydroxidePotassium Hydroxide (KOH)           
Liquid, 4L bottle
 1310-58-3Oxidizer Cabinet SOP
Propylene OxidePropylene Oxide           
Liquid, 500mL bottle
 75-56-9Solvent Cabinet, Prep Lab YesSOP
PTAPhosphotungstic Acid           
Powder,  100g
 12501-23-4N2 Box, Prep Lab SOP
Sodium AcetateSodium Acetate,Trihydrate           
 127-09-3N2 Box, Prep Lab SOP
Sodium CacodylateSodium Cacodylate, Trihydrate           
Small Crystals, 500g
 124-65-2N2 Box, Prep Lab YesSOP
Sodium HydroxideSodium Hydroxide           
Pellets, 500g
1310-73-2Acid Cabinet, Prep Lab SOP
SU-8 10SU-8 10 Resist Cabinet, Photo Bay SOP
SU-8 DeveloperSU-8 Developer Resist Cabinet, Photo Bay SOP
Sulfuric AcidSulfuric Acid (H2SO4)           
Liquid, 4L bottle
 7664-93-9Acid Cabinet Yes - CarcinogenSOP
TCETrichloroethylene (TCE)           
Liquid, 4L bottle
 79-01-06Solvent cabinet YesSOP
Uranyl AcetateUranyl Acetate           
Powder, 25g
 541-09-3N2 Box, Prep LabYesSOP
Uranyl FormateUranyl Formate16984-59-1N2 Box, Prep Lab SOP
ZEP520A E-beam resistZEP520A E-beam resist           
For e-beam lithography on EBL1
 Resist Cabinet, Photo Bay SOP
Other Approved Chemicals
1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecyltriethoxysilane1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecyltriethoxysilaneSolvent cabinetSOP
 3M Novec 72DE Engineered Fluid 3M Novec 72DE Engineered FluidSolvent CabinetSOP
3-Phenylpropane-1-thiol3-Phenylpropane-1-thiol (CAS number 24734-68-7)Solvent cabinetSOP
3-(trimethoxysilyl)propyl acrylate3-(trimethoxysilyl)propyl acrylateSolvent CabinetSOP
Aculon AAculon ASolvent CabinetSOP
Alexa Fluor 647 Alexa Fluor 647 Resist CabinetSOP
Aluminum Etch Type AAluminum Etch Type AAcid CabinetSOP
Ammonium Persulfate Ammonium Persulfate Acid CabinetSOP
AZ10XT PhotoresistAZ10XT PhotoresistResist Cabinet, Photo BaySOP
AZ 327 DeveloperAZ 327 MIF Developer           
Liquid, 1 gallon bottle
Developer Cabinet, Photo BaySOP
AZ 400K DeveloperAZ 400K Photoresist DeveloperDeveloper Cabinet, Photo BaySOP
AZ 917 MIF DeveloperAZ 917 MIF DeveloperDeveloper Cabinet, Photo BaySOP
AZ P4620 PhotoresistAZ P4620 PhotoresistResist Cabinet, Photo BaySOP
BCBBCB / Cyclotene           
Liquid, various types of BCB
Resist Cabinet, Photo BaySOP
Buffer Solution, pH7Buffer Solution, pH7Solvent cabinetSOP
CD-26CD-26Resist Cabinet, Photo BaySOP
Chromium Etchant Type 1020Chromium Etchant Type 1020Acid CabinetSOP
Chromium Etchant 9057Chromium Etchant 9057Acid CabinetSOP
Copper Etch APS-100Copper Etch APS-100Oxidizer CabinetSOP
Copper Etchant 100/200Copper Etchant 100/200Acid cabinetSOP
CR-14 Chromium EtchantCR-14 Chromium EtchantAcid cabinetSOP
CR-7 Chromium EtchantCR-7 Chromium EtchantAcid cabinetSOP
CytopCytop CTX-809AResist Cabinet, Photo BaySOP
Cytop SolventCytop CT-SOLV180Resist Cabinet, Photo BaySOP
Darocur 1173Darocur 1173Solvent CabinetSOP
Dimethyl SulfoxideDimethyl SulfoxideSolvent CabinetSOP
DisCharge H2Ox2DisCharge H2Ox2Solvent CabinetSOP
Dynastrip DL9150Dynastrip DL9150Solvent CabinetSOP
Formic AcidFormaic AcidSolvent Hood & Solvent CabinetSOP
Gold Etchant Sigma AldrichGold Etchant Sigma AldrichAcid CabinetSOP
Gold Etchant TFAGold Etchant TFAAcid CabinetSOP
HexanesHexanesSolvent CabinetSOP
HMDSHexamethyldisilazaneSolvent CabinetSOP
Iron(II) chloride  (FeCl)           
Iron(II) chloride (FeCl)           
Acid CabinetSOP
Iron Oxide Etchant 9028Iron Oxide Etchant 9028Acid CabinetSOP
ITO Etchant TE-100ITO Etchant TE-100Acid CabinetSOP
JSR JPD523AD-10MAJSR JPD523AD-10MADeveloper Cabinet, Photo BaySOP
JSR PFR IX420HPhotoresistResist Cabinet, Photo BaySOP
JSR PFR IX965GPhotoresistResist Cabinet, Photo BaySOP
Kapton Polyimide EtchKapton Polyimide EtchAcid CabinetSOP
LOR A Series ResistLOR A Series ResistResist Cabinet, Photo BaySOP
Lysine AcetateLysine AcetateVitrobot HoodSOP
Ma-D 553/s developerMa-D 553/s developerDeveloper Cabinet, Photo BaySOP
Ma-N 1400 negative tone photoresist seriesMa-N 1400 negative tone photoresist seriesResist Cabinet, Photo BaySOP
Ma-N2403 ResistMa-N2403 ResistFlammables Refrigerator, Photo BaySOP
MIBKMethyl Isobutyl KetoneSolvent cabinetSOP
MF-24A developerMF-24A developerDeveloper Cabinet, Photo BaySOP
NafionTM PFSA 5% Dispersions D520NafionTM PFSA 5% Dispersions D520Resist Cabinet, Photo BaySOP
N,N-Dimethylformamide (DMF)N,N-Dimethylformamide           
Solvent cabinetSOP
NonafluorohexyltrichlorosilaneNonafluorohexyltrichlorosilaneSolvent CabinetSOP
NRR-001 Photoresist StripperNRR-001 Photoresist StripperSolvent CabinetSOP
P(VDF-TrFE)poly(vinylidene difluoride - trifluoroethylene)Resist Cabinet, Photo BaySOP
PA-400R PolyimidePA-400R PolyimideResist Cabinet, Photo BaySOP
PBSPBSNot stored in SMIFNone
PD523AD DeveloperPD 523AD DeveloperDeveloper Cabinet, Photo BaySOP
PDMSPolydimethylsiloxaneBio Bay None
PEGDA(250)PEGDA(250)Solvent cabinetSOP
PEGDA(700)PEGDA(700)Solvent cabinetSOP
Pentaerythritol tetrakis(3-mercaptopropionate) (PETMP)Pentaerythritol tetrakis(3-mercaptopropionate) (PETMP)N2 Box, Photo BaySOP
PerfluorodecalinPerfluorodecalinSolvent CabinetSOP
Phenylmethanethiol (aka Benzyl mercaptan)Phenylmethanethiol (aka Benzyl mercaptan)(CAS number 100-53-8)Solvent cabinetSOP
Phosphoric AcidPhosphoric Acid (H3PO4)           
Acid cabinetSOP
PKP II PhotoresistPKP II PhotoresistResist CabinetSOP
PKP Photoresist DeveloperPKP Photoresist DeveloperSolvent Cabinet, use Solvent or Spin Coat HoodSOP
PKP II Rinse (Butyl Acetate)PKP II Rinse (Butyl Acetate)Solvent CabinetSOP
Poly(ethylene glycol)Poly(ethylene glycol)Solvent CabinetSOP
Polyimide PI 2611Polyimide PI 2611Resist Cabinet, Photo BaySOP
Polyurethane liquidPolyurethane liquidSolvent cabinetSOP
Polyvidone 25Polyvidone 25Solvent CabinetSOP
Potassium Titanium Oxide Oxalate DihydratePotassium Titanium Oxide Oxalate DihydrateAcid Cabinet, Prep LabSOP
Ruthenium RedRuthenium RedVitrobot HoodSOP
Silver NitrateSilver NitrateAcid CabinetSOP
Sodium BorohydrideSodium BorohydrideVitrobot HoodSOP
Sodium Chloride 1%Sodium Chloride 1%           
Developer cabinetSOP
Sodium Dodecyl SulfateSodium Dodecyl Sulfate           
Solvent cabinet None
Sodium FluorideSodium FluorideSolvent Cabinet, Prep LabSOP
Sodium Hydroxide 4%Sodium Hydroxide 4%Developer cabinetSOP
Spin-On-Glass (SOG)Accuglass "T−12B"(312B,412B,512B) Spin-On-GlassResist Cabinet, Photo BaySOP
SPR 200 photoresistSPR 200 photoresistResist Cabinet, Photo BaySOP
SPR-2012SPR-2012Resist Cabinet, Photo BaySOP
SU-8SU-8 Photoresist           
Liquid, various types of SU-8
Resist Cabinet, Photo BaySOP
SU-8 2000 ThinnerSU-8 2000 Thinner Resist ThinnerResist Cabinet, Photo BaySOP
Tannic AcidTannic AcidN2 box, Prep LabSOP
Teflon AFTeflon AFResist Cabinet, Photo BaySOP
TEOSTetraethyl orthosilicateSolvent Cabinet, Prep LabSOP
Very Flammable
Flammable Rated RefrigeratorSOP
Titanium Etchant TFTTitanium Etchant TFTAcid CabinetSOP
TMAHTMAHDeveloper CabinetSOP
Solvent cabinetSOP
Transene Copper EtchantTransene Copper EtchantAcid CabinetSOP
Trichloro(octadecyl)silaneTrichloro(octadecyl)silaneSolvent CabinetSOP
Trichloro perfluoroctyl silaneTrichloro(1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorooctyl)silaneSolvent CabinetSOP
(Tridecafluoro-1,1,2,2- tetrahydrooctyl)triethoxysilane(Tridecafluoro-1,1,2,2- tetrahydrooctyl)triethoxysilaneSolvent CabinetSOP
VM651 Adhesion PromoterVM651 Adhesion PromoterResist Cabinet, Photo BaySOP
VM652 Adhesion PromoterVM652 Adhesion PromoterResist Cabinet, Photo BaySOP
XylenesXylenesSolvent CabinetSOP